Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Think I got Clicked Bombed
Now what does that mean for Life Of a Gaming Dad? Well I sit here and hope Google will re-activate my account and funding for this site will continue threw those means. But lets be truthful. As with doing some research around the web a good 80% of the time Google does these disabling never get back on-line again. Its a sad thing but something I will have to accept, there are other ad-programs out there, but with being a small blog and channel it will be a long road ahead to get them going. The next step after that would be do I want to move away from Blogger due to be owned by Google? Well again theres a hit when it comes to funding. I chose this place due to the easy access between YouTube, Blogger and Adsense in order to quickly get thing going for not only myself but the content I wanted to create.
With all that said Life of a Gaming Dad will go on in some form, might even cut my losses and step away from the channel I have had for years since YouTube's opening. Is it a big loss, both yes and no. Yes as I have become known with the handle I have had for so many years, thus the reason for using it to start this blog. On the no hand re-branding is a major task and I think thats were my problem showed up. Many didn't like the change creating a loss of over 150 subs in just a month. (Yep big run down).
All in all I am in big hopes for some good words back from Google but in the end its their call, and time to create a new plan for this Domain and idea.
Friday, December 18, 2015
Finding Spare Time
I myself have been watching my how I spend my time, and looking to change some thing up in order to get more done. One big thing I have noticed is that since I commute to work I have a a good bit of spare time. My bus ride in is about fifty minutes one way there is a good bit of time to write or work on planning things out. So what I need to do is get my laptop back up and working now I don't have a very new laptop so you all know that I will be using a version of Linux on it in which will help with power management in which will make sure I have enough battery power for the ride in, lately there has been many delays and the commute making the ride on the bus over an hour and half. Now most newer laptops can last for up to four hours, now I will be reusing my old HP DV5 in which the battery only last about an hour and half on full running, with using the lowest display brightness and having the wi-fi turned off I should be able to get about two hours or a bit more. Since I am using blog spot using a free app for writing a word doc or even an HTML document then come home and copy the article from the freeware app into the website and upload.

Monday, December 14, 2015
Sorry again for not making a longer post, I am working on new content and will be getting more up, but with the holidays it will be slow.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Month of Craziness
1.) People are shy: Yep in one way or another we all are shy. Lets face it it's hard to let your thoughts flow free on the web even tho you are hidden behind a screen name and no one really knows who you are unless you're like me and show a picture of your face along with the post. It takes a lot to let yourself be out there and talk freely not knowing who is reading. It takes some time to warm up to new things and post on this blog but we all have run into some of the things I am writing about, and if your searching around the web and have come along to this site then we are all friends here.
2.) My writing sucks: This I know, I have been working on better gramor and sentences on this site as I go. This site is not only a place for us to explore the fun of being a gaming dad, but a place for me to improve my writing while telling you all the crazy stories I run into. In everything we do in life we can learn or improve on things. I'm just not going to be shy about it and will keep working on it all.
3.) Login needed: I am looking into different ways for this. Sometimes people don't like creating logins for sites they don't use much. I know myself that I have logins for millions of sites that I don't access anymore and my email is on so many list that i have to use the filter on the mess that comes in every day. So I am looking into getting some type of quick comment system going that does not need a login and is mobile friendly, since I see so many of my views use mobile devices to access this site.
I hope this clears up some of the readers minds when they think, do I really want to reply or comment this post? I will be trying to make it easier for everyone in the end, because lets face it. I am sure we all have run into something like this in what we do everyday. Plus I am sure you all can add to the conversation down the road.
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Extra Hardware - Linux

- Lubutu (for old hardware)
- Fedora (dual core systems)

Now this wasn't a huge dive into Linux as there is so much to talk about each OS and how they work. The best thing to do, is download the package and do what is called a "Live-CD". What this lets you do is boot of the CD you just made and try the distro before you even install it to your PC. Giving you a chance to see if its right for you. This way you can go out and try many different types of Linux before you even install anything to your PC. Please check out this link for more distros of Linux you can try.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Holiday Season Family Gaming

Now last week I spoke about using old hardware as a media machine using Plex. So there is always something for people to watch and we have Netflix and Hulu on the Amazon Fire TV. So the parents will have something to watch but what the kids? Well they can join the parents in watching a movie or they can head down to the basement were we have a TV with the Wii/WiiU and the old X-Box setup. Here is where the problem come in, the age difference of the kids. The oldest one will want to play the more graphic games then what the little ones should see. Yes, I know we all did it ourselves when we were younger and we made it. But back then we did not have the powerful gaming machines we do today, the graphics are some time too close to the real thing. So I think its a good idea before this holiday season to stop for a minute and have a quick chat with the kids about what should be played with company around. Tell them to try to stick to the more family friendly multi player games you know, racing, sports, goofy ones; and when the family is done eating the littlest family members are watching a movie then they can break out the heavier games the old kids like to play.
Its also a fun idea to get some of the family that don't think gaming is good for kids to see the more family fun said of games, and get them to play a round with the kids. It's a nice way to break down the ideas that the media paints on games and the people that play them. The holidays are a wondrous time to year, getting the family to sit down and game together is an event I love to see happen around my house, hope it also happens around yours too.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Extra Hardware - Plex Media Server

Lets be truthful, kids can be very hard on today's media formats for video entertainment. DVDs are the most common, and don't hold us well to scratches. So with this I decided to create a media center machine out of some of my old hardware laying around, and when we buy the kids a new movie I encode it into a stream able video format that my Amazon Fire TV can view. Cutting down on the destruction of the DVDs yeah they maybe a cheap format but lets face it, your sick of buying another copy of Frozen for the sixth time at ten bucks a pop which is getting pricey ($10 x 6 = $60) and that just one DVD the kids are breaking, you will go broke by the time the kid hits second grade if you haven't gotten them to put the movie back correctly and lets face it my 11 and 9 year old still have issues with getting that right.
Plex is a multi media server system, with very little technical knowledge needed. Plex allows you to share you media anywhere you want across the Internet to your own devices you allow using an account you create. So you can share you media be it movies, music, and photos to your phone, TV, tablet, and even your game console.
So lets get the technical break down out of the way. Plex minimum requirement have two settings, with trans-coding or w/o trans-coding. Since you want to be able to watch your videos on any item I recommend with trans-coding. These specs are at least a Duel core 2.4 processor, if you are going to have a lot of devices on at once I recommend a quad core, at least 2 GB of ram, Windows Vista or newer, OS:X Snow Leopard 10.6.3 or newer, or you can have to following versions of Linux running(Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, CentOS or SuSE Linux) You can read more about it here.

My server specs are the following:(white case)
- AMD Athlon II X2 2.9 GHz
- 4 GB Ram
- Windows 7 Pro x86
- Network is a Wired 10/100 Ethernet
- Seagate 80 gig 7200 rpm (boot drive)
- Western Digital 500 Gig 7200 rpm (videos, photo, music; ex Plex drive)
The fist thing I would so with my server is make sure my OS is fully setup and any virus scanner is loaded and ready and everything is up to date. If using an older machine, I would do a full reload of the software, if restoring from a big box supplier (HP, Dell, or so forth) I would go threw and remove any software not needed for basic PC usage as the machine will just sit some where and not be used by a user. Next set would be to setup where my media is stored. I would recommend creating a folder named Plex, then do a break down from there. One folder for each item Photos, Videos, Music. This give the software a clear place to find the files and also helps for saving the items to a simple location. Once this is all done you can download the Server Software. Follow all the steps from the installer. It will ask you to create an account this is key as you will use this log in to connect any device you are using with Plex.
Once this is all done, you can go to your device you want to connect. We use the Amazon Fire TV in our living room so I use Plex to stream all my media to that. Each device has its own setup the software will cost you five bucks but once you have bought it on one account you can load it to all your devices you have that account on. So our two Fire boxes both have it. Now that you have it loaded on the device just log in with your account and boom if you followed all the steps in the setup you should see all your files from your server.
This wasn't a major break down of how to setup a new Plex server, but I hope it gave you some ideas of what to do and how to think about sharing your media with kids around.
Have you built a media center for your home? What software did you use? or even the hardware you used?
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Mind Blockage Will Kill Your Time
Writers block is a wall that can be destroyed with effort.
All of us have been there before. A major paper due in college, last minute report for the boss, and the ever dreaded meeting time change. All these items cause a major blockage to our minds. Then we head home to our families trying to keep an upbeat mind. Our minds try to keep us going all day long and then we finally get a chance to sit down and write or game and BOOM!!! The Wall hits us. You might have noticed I said game in there too. As the wall can also stop us gamer's from enjoying our favorite game.

1) 15 Minutes of Prep setup (gathering all materials, sites, links)
2) 25 Minutes writing article (no spell check, or grammar that is done later)
3) 15 Minutes adding graphic, spell checking, grammar check)
4) Take 5 minutes to re-read over then post or save article.
Yeah its quick and a lot of errors can be made with this method. But here is the key, if you are sitting down every night doing some writing then you should have a ton of saved items or even things you are building on in the back ground. What this does is create a back log of things for you to post down the road and always keeping the creative thoughts going, can't get the new items written go back to an old item you haven't posted and add more to that and clean it up.
There is no wall you can't over come as long as you have a little effort you can crush anything in your path.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Rebuilding a Home
So over the weekend I went back out to my in-laws which is a huge farm, and my kids love it out there. So much room to run around and different things to do unlike in the city where we live. They can walk over to the lake and fish, shoot off guns and bows. This time of year is great because my older two boys get to go hunting with their Pap and Great Uncle Gene. I think this is great because it helps then learn patience waiting for a deer and learning how to use the bow and gun correctly and always with parental supervision.
Now in the last four years the farm has gone down hill a bit, but that is bound to happen due to the age of not only Gram (now 83) and my in laws are both in their 50's so their age has slowed them down doing things. Since my kids love being out there so much, I have spoken to my wife and the in-laws that I will be helping out some more on some projects out there. I will also be having the kids help, its a big part of my wife's memories being out there and how it was when she was a girl, and I want my kids to have some of the same memories.
Now being the gamer I am, I have decided to look at things from a different point of view. Knowing the funds available and the items around the place for resources we can create not only a farm that produces something to use but a place to re-use a lot of the items laying around. Yep, that's right folks time to use all those hours and hours of RTS (real time strategy) game play to my advantage. But it wont be just a simple lets try this and go, I will also be using my memory of standard business management to make sure we will not be wasting our time and money on things. I will be making plans and doing a lot of small testing of things here at my own home before I try to ramp anything up to help out there. My over all goal is to make life easier for my in-laws and to teach my kids something new; and you can apply what you learn in not only books, school but in video games too.
Some of the ideas I am looking into is recycling of the items out there, water storage, some basic house weatherization, and plant control around the house for Gram. Those weeds are taking over the yard and the colder months are a good time to remove their area before the next year.
Here is my starting list which you all will see updates on and a break down of how I did it:
- Weatherization of house
- Plant control
- Water Storage
- Recycling of Material around

Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Mess of a Mad man
When most people think of a working area, you think of the normal TV show or movie desk. An all clean area with all stock of items you would normally find in an office. Well this here shows you what a real person desk is, a mess of work an ideas. I am not alone, even great men of the past have left a mess of work behind when they move on. As you can see from the pic of Albert Einstein desk was always a mess even up to his death. There have been many test showing a messy desk is a sign of brilliance or even madness.
Now I have to say I have been trying to keep things in a neater order. Now you might think, just how Dark? Well I have been spending a few hours a night on Pinterest looking at ideas from a lot of cleaver people. Yes, that right I'm on Pinterest there are thousands on there, its not just a site for ladies to show of their crafts, I have found a lot of men posting home make over ideas, man cave changes, desk hacks to make things cleaner, and so much more.
I know this isn't a blog to talk about arts and crafts, but it is a place to talk about what to do with the gaming, consoles and all the fun stuff that comes w
ith them. All this stuff takes up tons of space so much that I have over six 40 gallon storage totes of all my gaming stuff in them. not to mention my four pcs that I use, and the two laptops that are mine(yes I'm a pc hoarder.) Then there is the green screen for videos, the kids pc, and the tv with all the game consoles that I have around me, and this is just one room of the house. Now you can see on why I have started to look into creative storage solutions. As you can see I have a lot to take in and start sorting. This winter I plan to clean this all up and create a move pretty area for the kids and I to game/create new videos in.
Yep quiet a mess I have on my hands, but in the next few weeks, this gaming dad will be cleaning it all up and creating a whole new area of gaming.
- Clean up the area
- Create a new storage setup
- Create a roll-up setup for Green Screen
- Proper cable management around PCs & Consoles.
Monday, November 9, 2015
Failures of Promoting
Ok, so for the last few days I have been doing a ton of reading on how to properly promote this blog, and damn it's confusing. Most of the post or info out there is other sites trying to get hits on their own sites. To which I can't blame them, but most of it seems to be like anything. Create some type of drama/click bait and hope for the hits.
I think I'm gonna take the side road and talk about some bad misses I've seen.
1) Trying to compare sites/blogs:
This item is funny to me, most people try coping or being like blog that is already established or popular. It's like the old high school gang that thinks they are the real deal being like or wanting to be the popular kid. I just can't do that, I've always been the odd man out. So pass on this one.
2) Click Baiting:
Yes I know, isn't every blog about creating a click bait topic just to get views/traffic. Yes and no. Yes bloggers want traffic every Web page wants traffic, but using the old fashion we need to scare, fool, or just plain treat you like an idiot to click onto a page is bullshit. So I won't be kissing up to anyone or trying to yell the world is coming to an end just to get you to read my post.
3) Hipster Types:
I hate hipsters, the whole attitude of "I was cool before, it was cool" is crap. If you have to tell someone you were cool then you missed both trains. Being cool back then and now. Just give it up already, you failed at being something just because you wanted to fit in. Just be yourself damn it.
At this point I'm suppose to tell you how to do promoting a blog correctly. Well I'm sorry but there is no sure fire method. Every site/blog is different, the people that visit each of them are different. One thing might work wonders for me but fail massively for you. I feel that you should try anything you can think of, but remember you always should leave room for the reader of the site/blog should have room to ask questions or state how they feel about the subject. Opening lines of communication creates a wider field of experience to not only the reader but the writer. We all don't think the same when we read something so the more that talk about it, the more information we gather.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Kids and Game time
I know many parents run into this question in today's world. There are tons of web pages out there talking about this. I myself has asked this question on my Twitter feed this past week and was not shocked on what was said back to me. Seems that people with kids under the age of 10 only give their kids only about 2 hours of screen time for gaming. I myself am in this boat during the warmer days of the year. Since I live in the Northeast we only get about eight good months of warm weather, during the fall and winter I will allow my younger kids about an other hour of screen time but it has to be a creative game, not your point click, or a family game in which they are playing with others.
With reading all these sites and talking to people here is the break down I have gathered.
1 - 3 years old about 30 minutes a day
4 - 7 years old about 1 hour a day
8 - 11 years old about 2 hours a day
12 and older seems to be 2 hours or more depending on school work.
Now you will notice that at 12 I mentioned school work. My older son is now 11 and I do agree that two hours is a good amount, but if he focuses on his school work and gets above grades I don't mind giving him some extra time in game. You all can see that I am a huge believer of hard work should be rewarded. That is why when he does really well at his school work or chores he gets more time. I do a lot of work not only at my job, but on YouTube, Twitch, and here. I might not be the best at all of these, but its trying something new that shows I am working for something new down the road.
This all ties into how much time we let our kids play games, yes games are good to relax and have kids work on different parts of their mind. But too much screen time and its a waste.
How do you all feel about screen time for kids, or even your selfs? Is too much a waste?
Friday, November 6, 2015
Ok folks, I am going to be moving all my items from WordPress to here. The reason why, is because having one item to access all the places I need in one place saves my mind a bit.