Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Mind Blockage Will Kill Your Time

Writers block is a wall that can be destroyed with effort.

All of us have been there before. A major paper due in college, last minute report for the boss, and the ever dreaded meeting time change. All these items cause a major blockage to our minds. Then we head home to our families trying to keep an upbeat mind. Our minds try to keep us going all day long and then we finally get a chance to sit down and write or game and BOOM!!! The Wall hits us. You might have noticed I said game in there too. As the wall can also stop us gamer's from enjoying our favorite game.

I myself find this happening a lot not only has the wall come and crashed down on my mind when I am trying to write a blog post, a YouTube video, the new Tech tutorials I am working on but also into my gaming lately. I have found that after coming home from working my 10 hour days as of late, I help the wife with dinner and goof off with the kids for a bit then off to my desk for and hour or two of work. I have been trying to write something for this blog, a video and clean up around my area the first hour and half, then mess with a game for the last half before I go and watch a movie or show with the wife. I find that in the first hour I have been spending more time looking at my notes of what I want to write about, or a website way too much. This causes me to cut down big time  on my gaming or cleaning up around the desk. Not a good thing, I need to use my time wisely, what little of it I have as a full time working man/husband/father of four that wants to veg out a bit in the world of gaming. So I created a quick little list for myself to crush this wall of stoppage before things get too bad.

1) 15 Minutes of Prep setup (gathering all materials, sites, links)
2) 25 Minutes writing article (no spell check, or grammar that is done later)
3) 15 Minutes adding graphic, spell checking, grammar check)
4) Take 5 minutes to re-read over then post or save article.

Yeah its quick and a lot of errors can be made with this method. But here is the key, if you are sitting down every night doing some writing then you should have a ton of saved items or even things you are building on in the back ground. What this does is create a back log of things for you to post down the road and always keeping the creative thoughts going, can't get the new items written go back to an old item you haven't posted and add more to that and clean it up.

There is no wall you can't over come as long as you have a little effort you can crush anything in your path.

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