Monday, November 9, 2015

Failures of Promoting

Ok, so for the last few days I have been doing a ton of reading on how to properly promote this blog, and damn it's confusing. Most of the post or info out there is other sites trying to get hits on their own sites. To which I can't blame them, but most of it seems to be like anything. Create some type of drama/click bait and hope for the hits.
I think I'm gonna take the side road and talk about some bad misses I've seen.

1) Trying to compare sites/blogs:
This item is funny to me, most people try coping or being like blog that is already established or popular. It's like the old high school gang that thinks they are the real deal being like or wanting to be the popular kid. I just can't do that, I've always been the odd man out. So pass on this one.

2) Click Baiting:
Yes I know, isn't every blog about creating a click bait topic just to get views/traffic. Yes and no. Yes bloggers want traffic every Web page wants traffic, but using the old fashion we need to scare, fool, or just plain treat you like an idiot to click onto a page is bullshit. So I won't be kissing up to anyone or trying to yell the world is coming to an end just to get you to read my post.

3) Hipster Types:
I hate hipsters, the whole attitude of "I was cool before, it was cool" is crap. If you have to tell someone you were cool then you missed both trains. Being cool back then and now. Just give it up already, you failed at being something just because you wanted to fit in. Just be yourself damn it.

At this point I'm suppose to tell you how to do promoting a blog correctly. Well I'm sorry but there is no sure fire method.  Every site/blog is different, the people that visit each of them are different. One thing might work wonders for me but fail massively for you. I feel that you should try anything you can think of, but remember you always should leave room for the reader of the site/blog should have room to ask questions or state how they feel about the subject. Opening lines of communication creates a wider field of experience to not only the reader but the writer. We all don't think the same when we read something so the more that talk about it, the more information we gather.

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